Who I am

Dr. Tito Marianetti has dedicated his professional practice to the Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery of only one part of the body, the face.
His main field of surgical interest has always been rhinoplasty and the constant research, within th field, of a harmonious and natural balance between aesthetic and function.
In it, for a harmonic and natural balance between aesthetics and function.
He earned a degree in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Maxillofacial Surgery, he completed his training at prestigious foreign universities, such as Texas University in the USA and the UniversidadComplutense of Madrid in Spain.
He is author of more than 60 scientific publications in international journals with impact factor (Pubmed) and speaker in numerous national and international conferences. He is a member of the AICEF (Italian Association of Facial Aesthetic Surgery) and of the EAFPS (European Academy of Plastic Surgery).
He has been coordinator in all the editions of the university specialization course on Open Septominoplasty" at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome.
From 2009 to 2014 he was a medical director at the Maxillofacial Surgery department of the A. Gemelli Hospital in Rome. He is currently a lecturer at the Masters in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Functional Surgery of the Nasal Pyramid at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome.
In 2015 he worked as a medical director of Maxillofacial Surgery at the "S. Annunziata "of Chieti. From 2016 Dr. Marianetti carries out a free professional activity in Rome and Avezzano (AQ, Italy).
He has performed more than 7,000 surgeries, including more than 3,000 septorhinoplasties.
Dott. Tito Marianetti
Stop Luglio 2021
Vero - Luglio 2021
Stop Maggio 2021
Tabloid di Medicina Estetica 2020
Il centro 16 Novembre 2019
Vip - Novembre 2019
Eva 3000 - Novembre 2019
Ok salute Tito Marianetti Ottobre 2019
Tabloid Medicina Estetica - Rinoplastica - Ottobre 2017
TOP rinoplastica 8 Novembre 2017
Bella.it Giugno 2017
IL MIO MEDICO - Setto nasale deviato e rinoplastica di revisione
Il mio Medico: Setto nasale deviato, ipertrofia dei turbinati e stenosi della valvola nasale
Buongiorno Benessere – Naso e Russamento
Il mio medico – Cattiva respirazione e setto nasale deviato
Tg5 – La Rinite Allergica
Il mio medico - Nuove tecniche per correggere il setto nasale deviato
Tg5 - Naso e covid
DettoFatto - La rinoplastica di Arianna
In Forma - la rinoplastica di revisione
In Forma - Setto Deviato
In Forma - Ipertrofia dei Turbinati e setto perforato
In Forma - Naso e mento
In Forma - Osas
In Forma - La rinoplastica estetica
Reality "Ricomincioa dal mio naso"
Detto Fatto - il progenismo
Detto Fatto - La otoplastica
Detto Fatto - Il lifting di Chiara
Detto Fatto - La blefaroplastica
Detto Fatto - La rinoplastica di Sandro
Il mio Medico Russamento e Apnee
Intervista Radio Roma Capitale
LA 7 La rinoplastica
Il mio Medico - Come curare il setto nasale storto
Setto nasale deviato
Apnee Ostruttive Notturne Parte 1
Apnee Ostruttive Notturne Parte 2
La dimpleplasty per le fossette
La rinoplastica
La mandibola fuoriposto
Il white peeling
La prima digestione avviene in bocca
1) Rome 10/09/03 "Urgencies in Ophthalmology"
(Training course Univ. La Sapienza)
2) Rome 30/09/03 "Outpatient surgery in the public and private sectors:
current events and perspectives "(Pol. Umberto I)
3) Early secondary alveoloplasty
Authors: Arangio P, Marianetti TM, Tedaldi M.
Congress: Diagnostic and therapeutic news. Critical discussion of surgical cases.
Roman Lazio Society of Maxillofacial Surgery (Rome, 14/11/03)
4) Rome 11/28/03 "Aesthetics in Orthognathic Surgery"
(SICFM + SIDOP Pol. Umberto I)
5) Rome 24/01/04 "Expansive pathologies of the facial mass involving the skull base"
(SICMF Osp. Sant’Andrea)
6) Rome 31/01/04 "The multidisciplinary treatment of traumas of the massive facial"
(Scuola medica ospedaliera Osp. S. Pietro FBF)
7) Rome 03/26/04 "The surgery of exophthalmos" (Pol. Umberto I)
8) Tours (France) 14-18 / 09/04 XVII European Congress for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (+ preconvention courses)
9) Tours (France) 14-18 / 09/04 Fronto-ethmoidal osteomas: diagnosis and surgical treatment.
Authors: Rinna C, Verdino G, Marianetti TM
Congress: XVII European Congress for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
10) Rome 12/11/04 The stomatological function in the treatment of dento-maxillofacial malformations.
(II SIDOP Congress)
11) Rome 26/11/04 Anatomy of the facial nerve. Author and Speaker: Marianetti TM. Congress: Palsies of the VII cranial nerve SICMF
12) Paris 9-11 / 12/04 Vème Cours superieur de Chirurgie reparatrice & estetique orbito-facial (Krastinova)
13) Rome 12/18/04 Orthognathic surgery in Maxillo-Odontostomatology
(SIMO Osp. Sant’Andrea)
14) Rome 25-26 / 02/05 Means of synthesis. Evolution of surgical techniques.
(SICMF Pol. Umberto I)
15) A Coruna (Spain) 09-13 / 05/05 XVIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad
Espanola de Cirugìa Oral y Maxilofacial (+ preconvention courses)
16) Rome 08/07/05 "Cancer surgery of the jaws"
(Biennial Conference of the Lazio SICMF Society)
17) Parma 09/06/05 First Italian Surgeons' Training program on Cleft Lip and Palate
(Operation Smile)
18) Parma 09-11 / 06/05 XIV SICMF National Congress
19) Parma 09-11 / 06/05 III Open Bite Classes. Authors: Iannetti G, Cassoni A, Fadda MT, Pagnoni M, Marianetti TM.
Congress: XIV SICMF National Congress
20) Rome 14-15 / 10/05 Fractures of the jaw: therapeutic topicalities.
(SICMF Pol. Umberto I)
21) Rome 20-21 / 10/05 The prevention and therapy of TMD
(II National / International SIDA Congress, La Sapienza Congress Center)
22) Porto (Portugal) 16-18 / 03/06
1st Ibero-Italian Congress of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery
23) Lecce 30/03/06 - 01/04/06 II AICEF-rcf National Congress
(Italian ENT Association of Rino-Cervico-Facial Aesthetic and Functional Surgery)
24) Porto (Portugal) 16-18 / 03/06 Incidence, Etiology and Prevention of Cranio-Facial Trauma in adolescence
Authors: Fadda MT, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Terenzi V, Iannetti G .. Speaker: Marianetti TM
Congress: I Ibero-Italian Congress of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery
25) Porto (Portugal) 16-18 / 03/06 Autologous bone grafts in maxillofacial surgery: our experience.
Authors: Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Romano F, Terenzi V, Iannetti G.
Congress: I Ibero-Italian Congress of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery
26) Bologna 21-23 / 06/06. Orbito-maxillary advancement in craniofacial dysostosis.
Authors: Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Terenzi V.
Congress: 19th National congress f the Italian Polyspecialist Society of young surgeons.
27) Barcelona (Spain) 12-15 / 09/06
XVIII Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
28) Barcelona (Spain) 12-15 / 09/06 Maxillary fibrous dysplasia: Our experience.
Authors: Iannetti G, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Carbone A.
Congress: XVIII Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery.
29) Amsterdam (The Netherlands) 11-13 / 10/06
XIII International Course in Modern Rhinoplasty Techniques
30) Rome 1-2 / 12/06 Consensus Conference on Pediatric Neurosurgery.
Craniosynostosis: the impact of genetic diagnosis, new techniques and new materials for craniofacial reconstruction.
(Auditorium of the Catholic University, Rome)
31) Madrid 12-13 / 01/07 "Controversias en Implantologìa" (VI Symposio Ibèrico de 3i)
(Madrid Congress Center)
32) Mòstoles (Madrid) 19-22 / 02/07 XII Curso Internacional de Rinoplastica
(Hospital de Mòstoles)
33) Madrid (Spain) 16/03/07. Rinoplastica abierta versus cerrada
Author and speaker: Marianetti TM
Monographic report c / o Gregorio Marañon Hospital
34) Milan 25-27 / 03/07 Biennnal International "Milan Masterclass"
Rhinoplasty & Pearls of Facial Plastic Surgery
(Hotel Executive, Milan)
35) Rome 07/06/07 Itinerant Military Dentistry Congress.
(Aviator's House, Rome)
36) Rome 15-16 / 06/07 III National SIDA Congress "Occlusion and temporomandibular disorders"
University of Rome “La Sapienza” Room I Medical Clinic
37) Bologna, 20-23 / 06/2007 (Royal Cariton Hotel). Radial vs Anterolateral of the thigh: comparison of microvascular flaps in the reconstruction of the cephalic district
Oral presentation
Authors: Torroni A, Valentini V, Terenzi V, Marianetti TM, Battisti A.
Congress: XV Congress of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery
38) Rome June 15-16, 2007 Eminectomy and pexy of the lateral ligament with an absorbable screw in the treatment of recurrent dislocation of the mandible.
Poster and oral presentation at the III SIDA National Congress "Occlusion and temporomandibular disorders"
Authors: Paparo F, Marianetti TM, Ramieri V, Cascone P.
Speaker: Marianetti TM
University of Rome “La Sapienza” Room I Medical Clinic
39) Bologna 20-23 / 06/07 XV SICMF Congress (Royal Cariton hotel)
40) Ferrara 29/09/07 Seminar in "Reconstructive Surgery after Oncologic Resection of the Cranio-Maxillofacial Skeleton"
University of Ferrara.
41) Rome 23-27 / 10/07 Naso & Dintorni 2007. The Italian Way to Facial Plastic
Surgery. 7th Course on Nasal and Facial Surgery. (San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital)
42) Milan, November 16-17, 2007 Orthognathic and microvascular surgery in maxillo-mandibular reconstructions
Oral presentation
Authors: Gennaro P, Bartoli D, Terenzi V, Marianetti TM, Valentini V.
Congress: XXII National Congress of the Italian Society of Microsurgery. The morphofunctional results of microsurgical reconstructions.
43) Milan, November 16-17, 2007 Iliac crest flap in maxillary reconstructions.
Oral presentation
Authors: Cassoni A, Terenzi V, Aboh IV, Valentini V, Marianetti TM.
Congress: XXII National Congress of the Italian Society of Microsurgery. The morphofunctional results of microsurgical reconstructions.
44) Terni 01/03/08 How to combine aesthetics, reduction of treatment times and improvement of patients' quality of life. (Best Western Hotel)
45) Rome 7-8 / 03/08 Multidisciplinary video course "Cervico-facial surgery: nose and paranasal sinuses"
Crowne Plaza Hotel
46) Rome 27/03/08 "Cranio-maxillofacial malformations: function and aesthetics."
Medical Academy of Rome (I Medical Clinic)
47) Varese 11-12 / 04/08 Live surgery international workshop “Aestheticreconstruction of nasal defects” 6th meeting “A. Guccione "
(Ospedale di Circolo and Macchi foundation)
48) Verona 18-21 / 04/08 Updates in orthodontics and orthognatic surgery.
(Palace of the Great Guard)
49) Verona 18/04/08 Pre-congress course: orthodontics and surgery… concepts for excellence
(William Arnett and Renato Cocconi)
50) Perugia 15-18 / 06/08 XXI National Congress of the multi-specialist society of young surgeons
(Faculty of Agriculture)
51) Perugia, June 15-18, 2008: rhinoplasty in craniofacial malformation surgery.
Oral presentation
Author and speaker: Marianetti TM
Congress: XXI National Congress of the Italian Multispecialty Society of Young Surgeons.
52) Bologna 9-12 / 09/08 XIX Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo- Facial Surgery.
53) L'Aquila 11/10/08 "Management of emergencies and health emergencies"
54) Livorno 11/29/08 Orbito-eyelid surgery. Rhinoplasty.
III National AICEF rcf update day.
55) Houston 12-15 / 03/09 “Rodeo Rhinoplasty Course” (Russel Kridel).
56) Rome 13/12/08 Indications and techniques of endoscopic surgery in pathologies of the facial skeleton.
(Armida Barelli Institute, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Rome)
57) Rome 8-9 / 05/09 National Osteology Symposium Rome
Soft and hard tissue treatment: Recent acquisitions. (Auditurium Rome)
58) Turin 10-13 June 2009 XVI SICMF National Congress
(Lingotto Congress Center)
59) Turin, June 10-13, 2009. Total reconstruction of the lower lip with V-Y chin flap combined with buccal mucous flap.
Authors: Montemari G, Pesucci B, Marianetti TM, Marini Balestra F.
Congress: XVI SICMF National Congress.
60) Turin, June 10-13, 2009. Full thickness cheek reconstruction with double island ALT flap.
Authors: Pesucci B, Montemari G, Felici N, Marini Balestra F, Marianetti TM.
Congress: XVI SICMF National Congress.
61) Turin, 10-13 June 2009. Current guidelines in the secondary treatment of post-traumatic crooked nose.
Authors: Boccieri A, Marianetti TM.
Speaker: Marianetti TM.
Congress: XVI SICMF National Congress ..
62) Turin, 10-13 June 2009. Reconstruction of labiogenic defects using local flaps.
Authors: Marianetti TM, Amoroso C, D’Archivio L.
Congress: XVI SICMF National Congress.
63) Rome 24/06/09 1st International Italo-Argentine Convention “Public dentistry and maxillofacial care: present and future. ((Hospital of San Filippo Neri, Rome)
64) Garda 13-15 / 09/09 "The myth of beauty in respect of function"
III AICEF-rcf National Congress (Hotel Poiano)
65) Garda 13-15 / 09/09 Barrel roll technique in the correction of long and concave lareral skin.
Oral presentation
Authors: Marianetti TM - Boccieri A.
Speaker: Marianetti TM.
Congress: "The myth of beauty in respect of function"
III AICEF-rcf National Congress (Hotel Poiano)
66) Rome 5-3 / 03/10 Early interventions and future perspectives in oro-maxillofacial alterations: role of surgery.
SiCOrt-SIDOP Congress. (Gemelli Polyclinic)
67) Rome 27/04/10 Theoretical-practical course Coblation vs. Late ENT surgery
(San Carlo Hospital - IDI)
68) Lanciano 12/06/10 Updates in ENT and Maxillofacial Surgery: The maxillary sinus (Museum complex)
69) Bruges (France) 14-17 / 09/10 XX Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
70) Rome 11-16 / 10/2010 8th Videocourse of Nasal and Facial Surgery The Italian Way. Naso and surroundings 2010.
(San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital)
71) Chieti 11/27/2010 Local flaps in facial reconstructions. Rhinoplasty between certainties and controversies.
IV AICEF update day (Auditorium Rettorato Chieti)
72) Rome 21/02/11 "Comprehensive orthodontic Therapy"
Teacher of Master II level School of Orthodontics Specialization
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome.
73) Milan 21-25 / 03/11 Practical course of nasal sinus endoscopic video surgery
(ORL ORL San Giuseppe Hospital, Prof. Dragonetti)
74) Como 12-14 / 05/2011 XVII SICMF National Congress (Villa Erba)
75) Como, 12-14 May 11 Correlation between altered development of the skull base and maxillofacial skeletal alterations in anterior synostotic plagiocephaly
Oral presentation
Authors: Marianetti TM, Gasparini G, Di Rocco C, Pelo S.
Speaker: Marianetti TM
XVII SICMF National Congress
76) Como, 12-14 May 11 Lipofilling in the treatment of the donor area of the temporal flap
Oral presentation
Authors: Cervelli D., Marianetti TM, Pelo S
XVII SICMF National Congress
77) Como, 12-14 May 11 OSAS in pediatric patients with complex craniofaciostenosis. Pre and post-operative evaluation.
Authors: Gasparini G, Pelo S, Di Rocco C, Marianetti TM, Camaioni D.
XVII SICMF National Congress
78) Rome, 22/10/11 "Bone, Biomaterials & Beyond: Guided bone regenerationsymposium."
(Hotel Crown Plaza)
79) Rome, 16-17 / 12/11 "Dento-skeletal malformations: the role of the TMJ in diagnosis and therapy.
(Aula Magna Institute of Dentistry)
80) Rome 7/10/11 and 16/12/11 Speaker "Periodontal disease and its outcomes: indications and limits of conservative surgical techniques"
(Columbus Integrated Complex)
81) Rome, 04/02/12 "Surgical approach to TMD and advanced facial trauma"
(Rome Cavalieri-Waldorf Astoria)
82) Rome, 16/03/12 "Clinical use of botulinum toxin and injectable fillers in facial surgery"
(AICEF refresher course)
83) Rome, 23/03/12 "Filling of facial substance losses through fat autotransplantation"
(AICEF refresher course)
84) Rome, 09-12 / 05/12 “Nose and face world. Techniques, tastes and trends in Facial Plastic Surgery. A global perspective
(Hotel Crown Plaza)
85) Bari 25/05/2012 SPEAKER at the AICEF Round Table on "Surgery of the nasal tip" in the 99th National Congress of the Italian Society of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery
86) Bari, 25 May 2012 Surgery of the nasal tip.
Oral presentation.
Author and Speaker: Marianetti TM
99th National Congress of the Italian Society of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery
87) Rome, 30/05/12 Pre-surgical Orthodontics Course: "Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery: Check Lists For Superior Outcomes"
Dr William G. Arnett
(Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome)
88) Rome, 30/05/12 "First International Congress SIDOP-SICOrt"
(Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome)
89) Dubrovnick (Croatia), 11-15 / 09/12 "XXI Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
90) Varese, 1-3 / 10-12 "The modern sinonasal surgery: anatomy, diagnostics and operative techniques"
(Department of Otolaryngology, University of Insubria)
91) Rome, 12/10/2012 SPEAKER on "Surgical reconstruction techniques in severe atrophy of the jaws."
Hospital Medical School Course:
"The management of periodontal disease and periodontal lesions" (Columbus Integrated Complex, Rome)
92) Rome, 16/11/2012 “V National AICEF Update Day: The traumatic outcomes of the middle third of the face. Rhinoplasty in post-traumatic deformities. "
(Aula magna Forlanini Hospital)
93) Milan, 23-26 / 03/2013 “7th International Biennale Milan Masterclass: Facial Rejuvenation Intensive Training Camp.
Rhinoplasty: from minimally invasive to structural.
(Auditorium "Sole 24 ore")
94) Rome, 27/05/2013 "1st IAR Congress" (Italian Academy of Rhinology)
(Frentani Congress Center).
95) Padua, 21-23 / 06/2014 "5th AICEF National Congress: Bridging the gap between nasal and facial plastic surgery"
(School of St. Mary of Charity)
96) Rome, 18-20 / 07/2013 "Volume and Expression, theoretical and practical course": Filler, fat grafting and botuline toxin.
97) Venice 26-28 September 2013 "ITI National Congress: Efficacy of implant-prosthetic treatment: simplification, predictability and innovations for the common benefit of patients and clinicians"
(Palazzo del cinema, Lido of Venice)
98) Rome, 7-9 November 2013 "44 ° SIDO International Congress: New therapeutic tools in orthodontics"
(Rome Cavalieri)
99) Barcelona, November 23-24, 2013 "Eye Frame Course"
100) Varese, December 16-18, 2013 "Modern rhinosinus surgery: anatomy, diagnostics and operating techniques"
101) Geneva (Switzerland), April 24-26, 2014 "ITI World Symposium 2014"
(Geneva Palexpo, Switzerland)
102) Ravenna 10/05/2014 "VI edition of AICEF update day"
103) Prague (Czech Republic), 23-26 September 2014 "XXII Congress of the European Association for Cranio- Maxillo-Facial Surgery"
104) Rome, November 14-15, 2014 Orthognathic Surgery Conference: Comparing experiences.
105) Rome, March 27, 2015: Congress of the Lazio Section SICMF "The surgical rehabilitation of severe atrophy of the jaws: traditional surgery vs minimally invasive surgery". Gemelli Polyclinic. Catholic University of Sacred Heart.
106) Montesilvano (PE), 9 May 2015: 24th GAMO "Around The Ear" Conference
107) Rome, May 29 and June 19, 2015 "Communicating effectively to the patient"
108) Rome, 1-3 October 2015: VII Edition of the Theoretical-Practical Anti-Aging Course 2015
109) Rome, 23-24 October 2015: 6th AICEFrcf National Congress "Beauty in Rome" (Hotel dei Congressi)
110) Bologna, 30 January 2016 Seminar and Live Surgery "Surgery First in 3D" (Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi)
111) Rome, February 5, 2016: AICEF rcf update meeting on the topic "Filling of facial substance losses through alloplastic implants"
112) Rome 7 March 2016: "Management and Marketing meeting in the dental practice"
113) Bologna, April 22-23, May 27-28, June 25-26, July 15-16, 2016: "Pre-surgical orthodontics and orthognathic surgery with 3D method"
114) Bologna 23-24 September 2016 ITI Italia 2016 Congress - The treatment plan in implantology: therapeutic and clinical choices within everyone's reach.
115) Rome, 29 September-1 October 2016 Speaker at the VIII edition of the Theoretical-Practical Anti-Aging Course 2016.
116) Bologna, 5 November 2016 "VII AICEF rcf update day (Italian ENT Association of Rino-Cervico-Facial Aesthetic and Functional Surgery
117) Verona, 9-10 December 2016 Speaker at the IV AIOG Congress "The Senses and Aging".
118) Celano (AQ), 21/01/2017 Lecturer at the "Rhino-bronchial syndrome" course
119) San Giovanni Rotondo, 24-25 March 2017 “Rhinoseptoplasty: techniques compared to live surgery
120) Milan, March 26-28, 2017 "Cutting-edge surgical education. All in one place "
121) Sant Cugat del Valles, May 5, 2017: "Hands-on cadaver intensive course in orthognathic surgery and ancillary procedures"
122) Rome, 9-10 June 2017: Speaker at the First International Congress of Rhinoplasty "Rinoroma"
123) Naples, 14-17 June 2017 "XX National Congress of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery"
124) Venice, 6-7 October 2017. SPEAKER at the XVI AIOLP National Congress (Military Arsenal of the Serenissima)
125) Gardone Riviera (Brescia) - 21-23 September 2018, "2 edition The big challenge, the war of the noses, closed vs open rhinoplasty"
126) Rome, 25-26 January 2019 - Director of the course "Face 2021, first live advanced course in aesthetic facial surgery" - I Module Primary septorhinoplasty
127) Nice, February 2-4, 2019, “Preservation rhinoplasty
128) Rome, 29-30 March 2019 - Director of the course "Face 2021, first live advanced course in aesthetic facial surgery" - II Module Midface lifting, blepahroplasty, brow lifting
129) Rome, 24-25 May 2019 - Director of the course "Face 2021, first live advanced course in aesthetic facial surgery" - III Module Revision septorhinoplasty
130) Lecce, June 15-16, 2019 "XXI National Congress of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery"
131) Avellino, April 4-6, 2019 "21 AICEFF National Congress, Marathonose Avellino" speaker on the topics "How to manage the skin in the post-operative period" and "The revisions of the tip"
132) Rome, 13-14 June 2019, "Theoretical and practical course of basic rhinoplasty", Sapienza University of Rome, speaker on the theme "The secondary tip".
133) Rome, 12-14 September 2019, "Rome Preservation Rhinoplasty" speaker with the theme "Rhinoplasty and jaw surgery, best aesthetic options for maxillo facial patients".
134) Rome, 27-28 September 2019 - Director of the course "Face 2021, first live advanced course in aesthetic facial surgery" - IV Module Face Volume Management: lipofilling and prosthetic implants
135) Rome, October 16-18, 2019, Director of the "Rome Nose Week, a full immersion in Rhinoplasty"
136) Siena, 7-8-9 November 2019 "XXX Practical Course Rhinoplasty, functional and aesthetic surgery of the nose" speaker of the theme "The short nose"
137) Rome, 29-30 November 2019 - Director of the course "Face 2021, first live advanced course in aesthetic facial surgery" - V Module Neck and Face Lifting and prophiloplasty
138) Turin, January 16-17, 2020, Director of the "Hands-on" Anatomical Dissection Course
139) Rome, 2021, Director of the course "Face 2021, aesthethic surgery"
140) Rome 29-30 January 2021, Director of the course "Face 2021, Aestethic Surgery" I Module Periorbital rejuvenation course
141) Nice, 15-18 September 2021 "44th ANNUAL MEETING EAFPS NICE 2021" speaker "The asymmetrical tip: it's not just the septum that needs correction"
142) Rome, November 8-9, 2021 "Module IV - Face2021, Revision Septorhinoplasty"
143) Rome, November 26-27, 2021 "V MODULO - Face2021, The new frontiers of face and neck lifting"
144) Naples 5-7 December 2021 Scientific director of the course "Structural rhinoplasty, principles, theory, techniques".
1: Rinna C, Cassoni A, Ungari C, Tedaldi M, Marianetti TM.
Fronto-orbital mucoceles: our experience.
J Craniofac Surg 2004; 15 (5): 885-9.
2: Rinna C, Verdino G, Marianetti TM.
Fronto-ethmoidal osteomas: diagnosis and surgical treatment.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2004; 32 Suppl.1: 179.
3: Iannetti G, Valentini V, Rinna C, Ventucci E, Marianetti TM.
Ethmoido-orbital tumors: our experience.
J Craniofac Surg 2005; 16 (6): 1085-91.
4: Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Terenzi V.
Orbito-maxillary advancement in craniofacial dysostoses.
Eur Surg Res 2006; 38: 129-130.
5: Valentini V, Fabiani F, Nicolai G, Torroni A, Gennaro P, Marianetti TM, Iannetti G.
Use of microvascular free flaps in the reconstruction of the anterior and middle skull base.
J Craniofac Surg 2006; 17 (4): 790-6.
6: Iannetti G, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Carbone A.
Maxillary fibrous displasia: our experience.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2006; 34 Suppl 1: 121.
7: Rinna C, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Terenzi V.
Bilateral orbital roof fractures.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2006; 34 Suppl 1: 159.
8: Rinna C, Saltarel A, Spuntarelli G, Marianetti TM, Tedaldi M.
Rigid external fixation and condylar remodeling.
Ann Plast Surg 2007; 58 (1): 57-60.
9: Rocchi G, Fadda MT, Marianetti TM, Reale G, Iannetti G.
Craniofacial trauma in adolescents: incidence, etiology, and prevention.
J Trauma 2007; 62 (2): 404-9.
10: Iannetti G, Fadda MT, Marianetti TM, Terenzi V, Cassoni A.
Long-term stability after surgical correction in Class III open-bite patients: a retrospective study on 40 patients treated with mono- or bimaxillary surgery.
J Craniofac Surg 2007; 18(2): 350-4.
11: Marianetti TM, Cascone P.
Orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty in Binder syndrome.
(Cirugìa ortognàtica y rinoplastica en el sìndrome de Binder)
Rev Esp Cir Oral y Maxillofac 2007; 29 (2): 109-116.
12: Valentini V, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Romano F, Terenzi V, Iannetti G.
Reconstruction of craniofacial bony defects using autogenous bone grafts: a retrospective study on 233 patients.
J Craniofac Surg 2007; 18 (4): 953-8.
13: Cascone P, Ungari C, Paparo F, Marianetti TM, Ramieri V, Fatone F.
A new surgical approach for the treatment of chronic recurrent temporomandibular joint dislocation.
J Craniofac Surg 2008; 19 (2): 510-2.
14: Cascone P, Petrucci B, Ramieri V, Marianetti TM.
Security Hi-tech Individual Extra-light Device Mask: a new protection for (soccer) players.
J Craniofac Surg 2008; 19 (3): 772-6.
15: Valentini V, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Battisti A, Terenzi V, Iannetti G.
Anterolateral thigh flap for the reconstruction of head and neck defects: alternative or replacement of the radial forearm flap?
J Craniofac Surg 2008; 19 (4): 1148-53.
16: Valentini V, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Mitro V, Gennaro P, alongo C, Iannetti G.
Diabetes as main risk factor in head and neck reconstructive surgery with free flaps.
J Craniofac Surg 2008; 19 (4): 1080-4.
17: Arangio P, Marianetti TM, Tedaldi M, Ramieri V, Cascone P.
Early secondary alveoloplasty in cleft lip and palate.
J Craniofac Surg 2008; 19(5): 1364-9.
18: Gennaro P, Marianetti TM, Priore P, Anelli A, Valentini V.
Facial reconstruction with mio-fascio-cutaneous free flaps.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2008; 36 (suppl 1): S60.
19: Valentini V, Cassoni A, Battisti A, Marianetti TM, Anelli A.
Microvascular reconstruction of anterior and middle skull base.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2008; 36 (suppl 1): S152.
20: Cascone P, Rinaldi F, Pagnoni M, Marianetti TM, Tedaldi M.
Three dimentional temporomandibular joint modeling and animation.
J Craniof Surg 2008; 19 (6): 1526-31.
22: Boccieri A, Marianetti TM.
The Perichondrium Graft: Harvesting and Indications in Nasal Surgery.
J Craniof Surg 2010; 21: 40-44
23: Gasparini G, Saponaro G, Di Nardo F, Moro A, Boniello R, Cervelli D, Marianetti TM, Palazzoni G, Pelo S.
Clinical experience with spiramycin in bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw.
Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2010 Apr-Jun; 23 (2): 619-26.
24: Boccieri A, Marianetti TM.
Barrel roll technique for the correction of long and concave lateral crura.
Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2010 Nov-Dec; 12 (6): 415-21.
25: Moro A, Di Nardo F, Boniello R, Marianetti TM, Cervelli D, Gasparini G, Pelo S.
Autofluorescence and early detection of mucosal lesions in patients at risk for oral cancer.
J Craniofac Surg. 2010 Nov; 21 (6): 1899-903.
26: Marianetti TM, Gasparini G, Moro A, Alimonti V, Cervelli D, Boniello R, Di Rocco C, Saponaro G, Pelo S.
Nasal and ethmoidal alterations in anterior synostotic plagiocephaly.
J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Mar; 22 (2): 509-13.
27: Marianetti TM, Azzuni C, Moro A, Cervelli D, Gasparini G, Boniello R, Pelo S.
Case report of oligodontia: long term stability of orthognatic surgery and prosthetic rehabilation.
Minerva Stomatol. 2011 Mar; 60 (3): 139-47.
28: Pelo S, Marianetti TM, Cacucci L, Di Nardo F, Borrelli A, Di Rocco C, Tamburrini G, Moro A, Gasparini G, Deli R.
Occlusal alterations in unilateral coronal craniosynostosis.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Aug; 40 (8): 805-9.
29: Pelo S, Tamburrini G, Marianetti TM, Saponaro G, Moro A, Gasparini G, Di Rocco C.
Correlations between the abnormal development of the skull base and facial skeleton growth in anterior synostotic plagiocephaly: the predictive value of a classification based on CT scan examination.
Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Sep; 27 (9): 1431-43.]
30: Moro A, Gasparini G, Marianetti TM, Boniello R, Cervelli D, Di Nardo F, Rinaldo F, Alimonti V, Pelo S.
Hilotherm efficacy in controlling postoperative facial edema in patients treated for maxillomandibular malformations.
J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Nov; 22 (6): 2114-7.
31: Pelo S, Correra P, Gasparini G, Marianetti TM, Cervelli D, Grippaudo C, Boniello R, Azzuni C, Deli R, Moro A.
Three-dimensional analysis and treatment planning of hemimandibular hyperplasia.
J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Nov; 22 (6): 2227-34.
32: Gasparini G, Saponaro G, Rinaldo FM, Boniello R, Marianetti TM, Torroni A, Cervelli D, Nasto V, Pelo S.
Clinical evaluation of obstructive sleep apnea in children.
J Craniofac Surg. 2012 Mar; 23 (2): 387-91.
33: Cervelli D, Marianetti TM, Boniello R, Grussu F, Gasparini G, Azzuni C, Pelo S.
Giant neglected desmoplastic ameloblastoma: reconstruction with free fibula flap.
J Craniofac Surg. 2012 May; 23 (3): e171-4.
34: Gasparini G, Di Rocco C, Saponaro G, Marianetti TM, Foresta E, Rinaldo FM, Cervelli D, Tamburrini G, Pelo S.
Evaluation of obstructive sleep apnea in pediatric patients with facio-craniostenosis: a brief communication.
Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Aug; 28 (8): 1135-40. Epub 2012 Jun 4.
35: Pelo S, Correra P, Danza FM, Amenta A, Gasparini G, Marianetti TM, Moro A.
Evaluation of the dentoskeletal characteristics of an egyptian mummy with three-dimensional computer analysis.
J Craniofac Surg. 2012 Jul; 23 (4): 1159-62
36: Marianetti TM, Grussu F, Cervelli D, Gasparini G, Pelo S.
A new eyeglasses model for post-rhinoplasty patients.
Eur J Plast Surg 2012; 35: 887-889.
37: Gasparini G, Saponaro G, Marianetti TM, Tamburrini G, Moro A, Di Rocco C, Pelo S.
Mandibular alterations and facial lower third asymmetries in unicoronal synostosis.
Childs Nerv Syst. 2013 Apr; 29 (4): 665-71
38: Gasparini G, Azzuni C, Rinaldo FM, Cervelli D, Marianetti TM, Sferrazza A, Pelo S.
OSAS treatment with oral appliance: assessment of our experience through the use of a new device. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013 Feb; 17 (3): 385-91.
39: Marianetti TM, Staffoli S, Di Nardo F, Moro A, Foresta E, Gasparini G, Pelo S.
Intracortical versus anteromedial approach for iliac crest bone harvesting in preprosthetic surgery: a randomized prospective clinical trial.
J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Mar; 24 (2): 369-72.
40: Boniello R, Gasparini G, D'Amato G, Torroni A, Marianetti TM, Foresta E, Azzuni C, Cervelli D, Pelo S.
Reconstruction of severe atrophic jaws with Fresh Frized Bone Allografts: clinical histologic and histomorphometric evaluation.
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013 May; 17 (10): 1411-8.
41: Marianetti TM, Leuzzi F, Foresta E, Gasparini G, Cervelli D, Amoroso PF, Pelo S.
Vertical distraction osteogenesis combined with bilateral 2-step osteotomy for preprosthetic rehabilitation of edentulous mandible.
J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Jul; 24 (4): 1175-8.
42: Torroni A, Cervelli D, Gasparini G, Grussu F, Moro A, Marianetti TM, Foresta E, Azzuni C, Pelo S.
Anterior Retrograde Approach to the Myofascial Temporalis Muscle for the Orbital Reconstruction: Series of 9 Consecutive Cases.
Ann Plast Surg. 2013 Jul 18.
43: Torroni A, Longo G, Marianetti TM, Gasparini G, Cervelli D, Foresta E, Pelo S.
The Use of a Superiorly Based Melolabial Interpolated Flap for Reconstruction of
Anterior Oronasal Fistulas: An Easy and Practical Solution.
Ann Plast Surg. 2013 Dec 5. [Epub ahead of print]
44: Boccieri A, Marianetti TM. Subtotal septal reconstruction by using conchal graft.
Facial Plast Surg. 2013 Dec; 29 (6): 479-86.
45: Gasparini G, Boniello R, Saponaro G, Marianetti TM, Foresta E, Torroni A, Longo G, Azzuni C, Cervelli D, Pelo S.
Long term follow-up in inferior alveolar nerve transposition: our experience.
Biomed Res Int. 2014 Epub 2014 May 13.
46: Foresta E, Torroni A, Di Nardo F, de Waure C, Poscia A, Gasparini G, Marianetti TM, Pelo S.
Pleomorphic adenoma and benign parotid tumors: extracapsular dissection vs superficial parotidectomy – review of literature and meta-analysis.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2014 Jun; 117 (6): 663-76.
47: Marianetti TM, Marianetti S, Gasparini G, Pelo S.
Correlation between cranial base morphology and the position of the glenoid fossa in patients with facial asymmetry.
J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Jul; 25 (4): 1190-4.
48: Marianetti TM, Dall’Asta L, Torroni A, Gasparini G, Pelo S.
Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome: a 20 year follow-up. Eur J Paediatr Dent.
2014 Jul; 15 (2 Suppl): 218-20.
49: Marianetti TM, Grussu F, Cervelli D, Gasparini G, Pelo S.
Equine pericardium membrane to prevent dorsal irregularities in rhinoplasty.
Ann Plast Surg. 2014 Aug; 73 (2): 128-30
50: Cervelli D, Gasparini G, Grussu F, Moro A, Matteo Marianetti T, Foresta E, Azzuni C, Pelo S.
Autologous fat transplantation for the temporalis muscle flap donor site: our experience with 45 cases.
Head Neck. 2014 Sep; 36 (9): 1296-304.
51: Marianetti TM, Torroni A, Gasparini G, Moro AS, Pelo S.
Transnasal endoscopic approach to the impacted maxillary canine.
J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Sep; 25 (5): 1859-61.
52: Grippaudo C, Grippaudo FR, Marianetti TM, Cacucci L, Deli R, Pelo S.
Bilateral condylar resorption in Down syndrome.
J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Nov; 25 (6): e580-2.
53: Marianetti TM, Dall’Asta L, Torroni A, Gasparini G, Pelo S.
Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome: a 20 year follow-up.
Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2014 Jul; 15 (2 Suppl): 218-20
54: Marianetti TM, Torroni A, Gasparini G, Moro AS, Pelo S.
Transnasal endoscopic approach to the impacted maxillary canine.
J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Sep; 25 (5): 1859-61.
55: Grippaudo C, Grippaudo FR, Marianetti TM, Cacucci L, Deli R, Pelo S.
Bilateral condylar resorption in down syndrome.
J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Nov; 25 (6): e580-2.
56: Gasparini G, Torroni A, Di Nardo F, Pelo S, Foresta E, Boniello R, Romandini M, Cervelli D, Azzuni C, Marianetti TM.
OSAS surgery and postoperative discomfort: phase I surgery versus phase II surgery.
Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015: 439847. doi: 10.1155 / 2015/439847. Epub 2015 Jan 28.
57: Marianetti TM, Cozzolino S, Torroni A, Gasparini G, Pelo S.
The "beauty arch:" a new aesthetic analysis for malar augmentation planning.
J Craniofac Surg. 2015 May; 26 (3): 625-30.
58: Torroni A, Marianetti TM, Romandini M, Gasparini G, Cervelli D, Pelo S.
Mandibular reconstruction with different techniques.
J Craniofac Surg. 2015 May; 26 (3): 885-90.
59: Foresta E, Torroni A, Gasparini G, Saponaro G, Longo G, Boniello R, Cervelli D, Marianetti TM, Pelo S, Moro A.
Use of N-Butyl-2-Cyanoacrylate (Glubran2 (®)) in Fractures of Orbital-Maxillo-Zygomatic Complex.
J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2015 Sep; 14 (3): 761-4. doi: 10.1007 / s12663-015-0751-z. Epub 2015 Feb 11.
60: Marianetti TM, Leuzzi F, Pelo S, Gasparini G, Moro A.
J-Graft for Correction of Vertical and Horizontal Maxillary Bone Defects.
Implant Dent. 2016 Apr; 25 (2): 293-301.
61: Marianetti TM, Gasparini G, Midulla G, Grippaudo C, Deli R, Cervelli D, Pelo S, Moro A.
Numbers of Beauty: An Innovative Aesthetic Analysis for Orthognathic Surgery Treatment Planning.
Biomed Res Int. 2016; 2016: 6156919. doi: 10.1155 / 2016/6156919. Epub 2016 Jan 19.
62: Marianetti TM, Boccieri A, Pascali M.
Reshaping of the Anterior Nasal Spine: An Important Step in Rhinoplasty.
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2016 Sep 23; 4 (9): e1026. eCollection 2016 Sep.
63: Pascali M, Quarato D, Marianetti T, Carinci F.
Malar region rejuvenation through non-invasive techniques: hyaluronic acid fillers and lipofilling.
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2017 Dec 4; 31 (4 Suppl 2).
64: Boccieri A, Marianetti TM, Pascali M.
Crushed Cartilage: A Rescue Procedure in Rhinoplasty.
J Craniofac Surg. 2018 May; 29 (3): 614-617.
65: Marianetti TM, Moretti A.
Correction of alar rim retraction by lateral crural extension graft.
Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2020 Jun; 40 (3): 211-216.
66: Vellone V, Marianetti TM, Di Renzo L, Ricci A, Bocciolesi F, Ramieri V.
How to Produce Cheap and Easy Custom-Made Sterilizable Filtering Facepiece 2/3 Masks for Healthcare Providers During Pandemic COVID-19 Emergency.
J Craniofac Surg. 2020 Sep; 31 (6): e640-e642.
67: Ramieri V, Vellone V, Marianetti S, Marianetti TM.
Captain America's Shield Genioplasty.
J Craniofac Surg. 2021 Mar-Apr 01; 32 (2): 708-710.
68: Ramieri V, Maffìa F, Vellone V, Marianetti S, Marianetti TM.
The Pyramid Chin Augmentation: A New Technique.
J Craniofac Surg. 2021 Mar-Apr 01; 32 (2): 738-739.
69: Marianetti TM, Vellone V, De Angelis F, Ramieri V.
The Caudal Septum Pivot Technique for Short Nose Correction.
Facial Plast Surg. 2021 May 31.
70: Finocchi V, Vellone V, Ramieri V, de Angelis F, Marianetti TM.
Pisa Tower Concept: A New Paradigm in Crooked Nose Treatment.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021 Jul 1; 148 (1): 66-70.
71: Marianetti TM, Vellone V, Ramieri V, De Angelis F.
The Deviated Nasal Tip: A Personal Technique for Correction Using Monolateral Crural Overlay and Monolateral Dome Truncation.
Facial Plast Surg. 2021 Jun; 37 (3): 376-382.
Second level Master Teacher at the Orthodontic Specialization School of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome "Comprehensive orthodontic Therapy". Academic year 2011-2012
Lecturer and operator of the Postgraduate Course of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome in: “Surgical rehabilitation of atrophic alveolar ridges” (8 modules of 8 hours each). Academic Year: 2011-2012
Lecturer of the 2012 “Hospital Medical School” course in “The management of periodontal disease and lesions”. 12/10/12 9-12 "Techniques of surgical reconstruction in severe atrophy of the jaws" 26/10/12 9-12 hours "Surgical reconstruction of the atrophic mandible and atrophic upper jaw"
Teaching and didactic coordination of the university specialization course of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome: "Open breastplasty: practice in the operating room" (10 modules of 9 hours each) (Academic years: 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014 / 2015).
Professor of "Orthognathic Surgery" (13 hours) in the fifth year of the degree course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome. Academic years 2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015
Professor of Postgraduate Course at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome in: "Lipofilling in the aesthetic rehabilitation of the face". Academic years: 2012/2013 and 2013/2014
Professor of Master in "Functional and aesthetic surgery of the nasal pyramid", Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Academic year 2020/2021
Lecturer for the Master in "Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nasal Pyramid", Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Academic Year 2021/2022
Pesucci B, Marianetti TM.
Orthognathic surgery: classification and classification.
In "Dental pathology of ENT interest". A.O.O.I. 23/2009, Torgraf, pp. 103-114.
Pesucci B, Marianetti TM.
Orthognathic surgery: surgical technique.
In "Dental pathology of ENT interest". A.O.O.I. 23/2009, Torgraf, pp. 135-162.
Boccieri A, Finocchi V, Marianetti TM.
1) Nasal tip surgery.
Oral presentation.
Author and Speaker: Marianetti TM
99th National Congress of the Società Italiana ORL [Italian ENT Society] and Cervico-Facial Surgery
Bari - Italy, 25 May 2012.
2) OSAS in pediatric patients with complex craniofaciostenosis. Pre and post-operative evaluation.
Authors: G. Gasparini, S. Pelo, C. Di Rocco, TM. Marianetti, D. Camaioni
XVII National SICMF Congress
Como - Italy, 12-14 May 11
3) Correlation between altered development of the skull bases and maxillo-facial skeletal changes in anterior synostotic plagiocephaly
Oral presentation
Authors: TM. Marianetti, G. Gasparini, C. Di Rocco, S. Pelo
Speaker: TM. Marianetti TM
XVII National SICMF Congress
Como - Italy, 12-14 May 11
4) Lipofilling in the treatment of the temporal flap donor area
Oral presentation
Authors: D. Cervelli, TM. Marianetti, S. Pelo
XVII National SICMF Congress
Como - Italy, 12-14 May 11
5) Aesthetic ancillary procedures in orthognathic surgery.
Oral presentation Author and speaker:
Master's Degree in "Comprehensive Orthodontic Therapy", School of specialization in Orthodontics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.
Rome, 21 February 2011
6) Rhinoplasty in craniofacial malformative surgery.
Oral presentation
Author and speaker: TM. Marianetti
Congress: XXI National Congress of the Società Polispecialistica Italiana dei Giovani Chirurgi [Italian Polyspecialistic Society of Young Surgeons].
Perugia - Italy, 15-18 June 2008.
7) Iliac crest free flap for maxillary reconstruction.
Oral presentation
Authors: A. Cassoni, V. Terenzi, IV. Aboh IV, V. Valentini, TM. Marianetti.
Congress: XXII National Congress of the Società Italiana di Microchirurgia [Italian Society of Microsurgery]. The morphofunctional results of microsurgical reconstructions.
Milan, 16-17 November 2007
8) Orthognathic and microvascular surgery in maxillo-mandibular reconstructions
Oral presentation
Authors: Gennaro P, Bartoli D, Terenzi V, Marianetti TM, Valentini V.
Congress: XXII National Congress of the Società Italiana di Microchirurgia [Italian Society of Microsurgery]. The morphofunctional results of microsurgical reconstructions.
Milan, 16-17 November 2007
9) Radial vs Anterolateral of the thigh: microvascular flaps compared in the reconstruction of the cephalic area
Oral presentation
Authors: A. Torroni, V. Valentini, V. Terenzi, TM. Marianetti, A. Battisti.
Congress: XV Congress of the Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale [Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery]
Bologna - Italy, 20-23 / 06/2007 (Royal Cariton Hotel).
10) Orbito-maxillary advancement in craniofacial dysostosis.
Authors: A. Cassoni, TM. Marianetti, V. Terenzi
Congress: 19th National congress of the Italian Polyspecialist Society of young surgeons. Bologna 21-23/06/06.
11) Eminectomy and lateral ligament pessia with a resorbable screw in the treatment of recurrent dislocation of the mandible.
Poster and oral presentation at the 3rd National SIDA Congress "Occlusion and temporomandibular disorders"
Authors: F. Paparo, TM. Marianetti, V. Ramieri, P. Cascone
Speaker: TM. Marianetti TM
University of Rome "La Sapienza" Room I Medical Clinic June 15-16, 2007
12) Rhinoplasty abierta versus cerrada
Author and speaker: TM. Marianetti
Monographic report c/o Hospital Gregorio Marañon of Madrid (Spain) 16/03/07
13) Maxillary fibrous dysplasia: Our experience.
Authors: G. Iannetti G, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, A. Carbone.
Congress XVIII Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. Barcellona (Spain) 12-15/09/06
14) Autologous bone grafts in maxillofacial surgery: our experience.
Authors: Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Romano F, Terenzi V, Iannetti G.
Congress: Iber-Italian Congress of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery
Porto (Portugal) 16-18/03/06
15) Incidence, etiology and prevention of Cranio-facial traumas in adolescence
Authors: Fadda MT, Cassoni A, Marianetti TM, Terenzi V, Iannetti G.
Speaker TM. Marianetti
Congress: Iber-Italian Congress of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery
Porto (Portugal) 16-18/03/06
16) Fronto-ethmoidal osteomas: diagnosis and surgical treatment.
Authors: Rinna C, Verdino G, Marianetti TM
Congress: XVII European Congress for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Tours (France) 14-18/09/04
17) III Open Bite Classes
Authors: Iannetti G, Cassoni A, Fadda MT, Pagnoni M, Marianetti TM.
Congress: XIV National SICMF Congress (Parma - Italy 09-11/06/05)
18) Anatomy of the facial nerve
Author and Speaker: TM. Marianetti
Congress: Paralysis of the VII cranial nerve
SICMF (Rome - Italy 26/11/04)
1) Early secondary alveoloplasty
Authors: Arangio P, Marianetti TM, Tedaldi M.
Congress: Diagnostic and therapeutic news. Critical discussion on surgical cases.
Società Romano Laziale di Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale (Rome, 11/14/03)
- 18/09/04 Faculté de Medicine Tours Laboratoire d’Anatomie (Dissection Course on free flaps and reconstructive surgery)
- 9-11 / 12/04 Paris Vème Cours superieur de Chirurgie reparatrice & estetique orbito-facial (Krastinova)
- 30/10 / 05- 01/11/05 Basic Intensive Practical Course on Dissective Anatomy and Modern operative Techniques of Facial Plastic Surgery (Brussels, Belgium) XXIII Andrea Vesalius Course.
- 14/01/06 - 15/01/06 Human Cadaver dissection Course on “Aesthetic Surgery of the face- Pitfalls in Facial Surgery (Centrum of Anatomy and Cell Biology Vienna Medical University, Austria)
- 11-13 / 10/06 Dissection course during the "XIII International Course in Modern Rhinoplasty Techniques" Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- 23/01/07; 30/01/07; 06/02/07; 02/12/07; 13/02/07; 02/26/07; 02/27/07; 06/03/07; 13/03/07: Practical course in vascular microsurgery at the Departamiento de Cirugìa Esperimentàl of the Gregorio Marañon Hospital in Madrid, performing microvascular anastomoses on the rat aorta and carotid artery.
- 31/10 / 07- 03/11/07 Practical "Full immersion" Course on Surgical Anatomy and Operative Techniques in Rhinologic Surgery: 1. Rhinoplasty 2. Endoscopic paranasal Sinus Surgery XXVIII Andreas Vesalius Course (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- 12/06/08 - 14/06/08: Pre-implantation surgical techniques with cadaver dissections. Paris (Université R. Descartes)
- 26/10 / 08- 28/10/08 Practical “full immersion” Course on Surgical Anatomy and Modern Operative Techniques of Facial Plastic Aesthetic Surgery (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium). XXIII Andrea Vesalius Course.
- 17/11 / 17-18 / 11/17: IV Course of Anatomical Dissection and Surgical Techniques of the Facial District. Arezzo (at the ICLO Teaching and Research Center San Francesco Di Sales)
- Turin, January 16-17, 2020, Director together with Dr. Michele Pascali of the "Hands-on" anatomical dissection course
- First AICEF prize 2014 for the best scientific contribution in Italy on the theme of facial plastic surgery has been awarded to:
- First AICEF prize 2013 for the best scientific contribution in Italy on the topic of rhinoplasty has been awarded to:
- T.M. MARIANETTI for work:
- EBOMFS: European Board of Gold-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, obtained in Dubrovnick, Croatia, on September 10, 2012
Winner of the II "G. D'Ascanio "as best thesis in ENT of the year 2003 (Abruzzese Group - Molisano of ORL)
Winner of the "Best Dissection" Award in the XXIII Andrea Vesalius Course on dissective Anatomy (11/1/05 Brussels, Belgium)
- 2007- present Member of AICEFF (Italian Association of Facial Aesthetic Surgery)
- 2011-2015 Member and Associate Cofounder IAR (Italian Academy of Rhinology)
- 2009-2010 Member of AIME (Italian Association of Aesthetic Medicine)
- 2007-2013 EACMFS Member (European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-FacialSurgery)
- 2007-2013 Member of SICMF (Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery)
- 2006-2015 Member of "The European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery" (EAFPS)
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